Friday, January 17, 2014

Where The Hell I've Been

Dear resident fags and fruit flies (and hopefully a decent smattering of breeder men and LesBeHonest ladies), I thought I'd rejoin the blogosphere and update you on my train wreck......I meant life.

When last we met here on The Gorgeous and The Gay, I was managing a McAlister's and basically doing life somewhat correctly. Well, the proverbially shit hit the fan and now I'm fully ensconced on the struggle bus.

My former roommate got married, so I moved in with a girl in the hood. Like literal hood where my neighbors attempted to sell me weed, meth, and food stamps. Ummm, not exactly the place I expected to live but even the great live in shitty places from time to time.

Fast forward a couple of months and I'm at my new job as a server at a nicer Mexican restaurant, and I knocked down my monthly income by about a thousand dollars and I sadly had to let Celeste the wonder car go back to her home at the car lot. I cried a little but I bounced back with a smoke and a shot (of whiskey, I'm still drug free despite my time in methland  apartments). 

Then roomie decided to move to another town with a shitty, shitty new boyfriend and long story short, I'm now living the dream and celebrating my 26th birthday living with my elderly grandparents who disapprove of short shorts, skinny jeans, and man on man dirt nasty pig sex, which we all know are three of my favorite things.

But all is not lost! Thanks to living rent free, I've almost saved up enough cash to outright buy a new (to me) car and I've got leads on new jobs, and plus not being able to hook up has lead to forming the beginnings of actual meaningful relationships with a few nice gentleman.

Not to bring down the vibe of my hilarious blog, but God really knows what He's doing and I feel like things are looking up! Plus my misadventures in MethLand Apartments (btw isn't that an amazing album title? Someone tell a cool band) have given me a few good stories and I did manage to snag a freshman Bible major from the local Christian college for about 3 months of really, REALLY good sexcapades.

So, here's to a new year and hopefully me blogging a little more because I KNOW you are dying to know more about my life and opinions.
