Sunday, June 3, 2012

Luke Bryan + More New Friends = A Great Weekend

After my adventures in babysitting (great freakin movie though right)...I mean driving and setting my car (semi) on fire, Princess Mia and I met up with her friend, JSwag and pick up Willary (her roommate and That Guy's roommate who are a couple) and The Party Crew (the rest of the folks that went) and headed to see Luke Bryan sing his little heart out. We got there, drank $4 beer, and waited for Luke Bryan to make his appearance and when he did, I swooned! He sang Adele, some new rap song, and then shook his firm little money maker before the show was over! It was on of the best concerts I have ever attended and it was only $35 bucks a ticket, well worth the price. During the concert, I of course bonded with the pretty girl beside me, gave an impromptu lesson on losing one's gag reflex, and stalked a very precious looking boy, whose picture I have included below:

the guy in the Orange-y shirt is God's gift to mankind, right?! If anyone knows him, tell him I said hellurr there.

Anyway, me and the new friend's had a ball before we all went out. While we were out, the highlight of my weekend happened: The female half of Willary spent 20 minutes convincing me that I was too cool and attractive to be gay, that I really just needed and wanted a cute girl with nice boobs. I repeatedly told her that I wanted the P and not the V but she was not having it. She has a precious little Mississippi accent and she was just so adamant, I almost let her set me up with a girl: almost. Instead, I distracted her by talking about my pants, which proves I am a true homo, Miss Willary!

A few beers and Taco Bell later, I went to sleep on Princess Mia's couch completely content with a great concert, some new fun friends, and I'm ready to visit again (in 2 weeks for a wedding)



Meeting Princess Mia and Setting Carlotta Cadillac on Fire

So, as some of you may know, I spent this past Friday and Saturday in Fayetville (or as I like to call it Fayetnam), AR. It was a great trip because 1) I saw Luke Bryan in concert and 2) I met my new life partner, best friend, and all around love, Princess Mia. Now Mia and I have tweeted back and forth for a couple of months because she is friends with That Guy, a friend from my infamous 2 years as a freshman in college. That Guy, Princess Mia, and Rockin JM (another friend from ASU who moved to Fayetnam) have had long Twitter convos and when I decided to go up to Fayetnam for this concert, Princess Mia offered her couch and the plan was set.

Friday rolls around and I wear these AMAZING red Dockers, my blue boots, and a white v-neck and begin the 4 hour trek to my Faytown Get Down after stopping at work to get my number one driving necessity, a ginormous Diet Coke. 4 uneventful hours of music, bad driving, and 1 scary as hell tunnel through a mountain, I pull over into a strip mall to wait for Princess Mia (whom I have never met in person) get home from school where she was doing That Guy's work because he shaded out on us to go to a wedding (whatever, we don't need him). While sitting there, I unplug GarminGarmin and throw my keys into my ashtray and settle in to wait on Princess Mia. Well, my keys landed in the cigarette lighter place and shorted out my precious Carlotta. When I went to grab the keys, I burnt my fingers on them and smoke starts POURING from my dash! So I jump out and immediately call 911 where a very polite, if exasperated lady tells me to calm down, she's sending the fire department, who shows up 3 minutes later in the rain and jaws of life's open my dash before figuring out that my fuse was too strong and didn't blow when it should. Long story short, I wound up being fine, Carlotta just has a fuse missing until I take her to the shop. But during all this trauma, I ripped my freaking new pants! And of course I forgot my shoes that match my other clothes at home, so I had to wear Ralph Lauren melon colored slacks with my boots to the concert which was of course a tragic fashion day for me.

Anyhoo, after the fire dept. leaves (BTW big thank you to those kindly gentleman), I drive the 500 ft to Princess Mia's apartment and I am greeted by 5 ft of the most precious lady ever, wrapped in Polo and awesome sauce! When then proceed upstairs where I finally learn Princess Mia's last name and we are off chatting like old girlfriends. She really won my heart when, after laughing at my tragedy, she offered me a giant glass of wine! It wasn't red but it was good! She then helped me create the least atrocious outfit from the mixed bag that is my backseat (which is my third closet) and then we were off to see Luke Bryan (which is chronicled in my next entry!

