Wednesday, May 30, 2012

College: Why Bother?

Here's the deal guys. FUCKING GO TO COLLEGE! I have gone (minus two semesters) for 6 years and in my ramblings from major to major (and party to party) I have come across some fairly profound truths.

You meet some of the most amazing people you will ever meet.
You have a chance to broaden your social horizons.
You learn about what you are passionate.
You learn who you are.
 -story illustrating these points below-
   I started college as a fat, socially awkward guy from a VERY small town who had just lost his mother. I followed some friends into the Greek Life office, signed up for rush and just started meeting people. I did not join a fraternity (remember: fat, awkward, extremely gay and going to Arkansas State University); however, I did meet a girl named Ashton who paved the way to 6 years of involvement with Chi Omega (*cough* Man of the Year 2008 *cough*) and through that I have met a succession of beautiful, talented, and amazing women who have become life long friends.
    I also eventually joined the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) where I eventually became an officer and was able to be a guiding hand in positive change for the LGBT community and an older person who had already come out that could help ease the way for young, newly out LGBT men and women.
   I was a senator for the SGA (Student Government Association) and learned more about parliamentary procedure and the how legislation worked than I did in most of my etiquette and PoliSci classes.
    Through friends and acquaintances I've met through college, I have been hired to work for 2 political campaigns and have met 4 governors, 3 Senators, and a Congressman.
   I also learned through all of this that while I do care about LGBT issues, I am passionate about children's issues and have made it my goal to aid CASA and UNICEF.
So go to college for these reasons.


Go to college because you want to party, because you want to get a great job, or because your daddy won't pay your car insurance if you don't.

Just freaking go! I have seen what no college education does. You (as in 94% of the non-college educated) become townies whose most interesting though is maybe changing up the beer they use for beer pong....and they are 30.

Go for a year, and if it's not right for you, drop out and try something different. I have no judgement for those who take a different road, I just think everyone should experience a mile on THIS road.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wine Time is a Fine Time

As anyone who knows me or has gotten a fermented grape juice induced text message from me (which is everyone in my phone including the guy who delivered my Chinese food once my sophomore year in college) knows, I love wine. Don't get me wrong, I like a nasty, salty margarita when I feel the need to let my proverbial hair down or I want to get extra loose on the dance floor and who doesn't like an ice cold beer (preferably something from the Bud Light family or Rolling Rock) on a hot day. But what really butters my crumpet is a chilled I mean glass of red wine. When I say I like wine, your average snotty and snooty wine drinkers says, "Hmm, really? do you prefer a Cabernet or Pinot? Maybe a nice Chablis?" No, you pretentious douchecock, I prefer really cold, really fruity red wine. My favorite? Mogen David Blackberry or Pomegranate. Yes, it does come in a giant bottle for $14 and yes, I do occasionally drink the whole bottle and then wear a toga made out of a bed sheet and a pea coat while chain smoking on my front porch and singing 90s songs and feeling feelings that I generally keep suppressed under layers of fried food and judgmental comments. Judge me, please. Your ankles look fat in those last season heels anyway.

I really get sidetracked blogging don't I? Before I went off on my spiel about how wine drinkers can be assholes, I meant to say that I have recently branched into wines that come with, wait for it, a cork! Yes, ladies and gentleman, I have advanced from box wine (Franzia was my downfall many a collegiate night), to gallon jugs, to actual corked bottles of wine. Here in Arkansas, there is a tiny town called Altus. -Yes, where The Simple Life starring Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton was filmed- On a less vomit inducing (unless you drink too much of the wine I am about to mention) note, Altus is also where the Poste Family of wines produces their AMAZING Elderberry and Muscadine wines. I bought a bottle of the Elderberry a couple of weeks ago and actually saved a glass for the next evening because IT WAS THAT GOOD! In case you were unaware, I took another hiatus from school and currently live with my 79 year old grandparents and work at a McAlister's in Searcy, AR. I am not exactly leading the most fabulous life possible guys, so I need my wine and plenty of it and physically stopping myself from guzzling the rest of that bottle so I could have some delicious Elderberry amazingness the next day is truly a testament to how tasty it was and how sad I have become.

Moral of the story: Go to Walmart and buy a cork screw and then head to the liquor store (or Heaven as I call it) and buy a bottle of Poste Family Elderberry wine and then tell me what you think.


I also give high reviews to the Blueberry

Why "no offense" offends me


I am obviously a homosexual (see blog title) and obviously have no qualms about it. 5 minutes in my company, you will also realize that I spend 95% of my time being bitchy, telling massively offensive jokes, and making off color comments to attractive straight men. It's all apart of my charm, I like to think I ballet dance all over the (sometimes) fine line between being trashy and classy. Example, I wear flat front "prep length" shorts in pastel colors paired with a wide array of v-necks, and my favorite canvas Sperry's everyday I'm not at work. I also don't shave on a regular basis because I'm lazy. See how that works? Classy and trashy all at once. I'm definitely one mixed bag of nuts.
Back on subject though, when a straight male friend calls something gay and then turns to me and says, "No offense." I am offended. Why? Because one doesn't need to qualify a statement with "no offense" unless offense was meant. "No offense" is one of the most passive aggressive statements EVER! Either man up and just say, "That's gay" or "Lebron is playing like a faggot." and deal with the consequences of hurt feelings (mine won't be, Lebron does play like a faggot) or don't say it. I am tired of people thinking they can say whatever they want and then apologize for it. Just say what you mean and then stick by it. I rarely try to take back words (which is impossible anyway) because if I offend you, we probably don't need to be friends or you needed to hear what I said anyway. You don't like Holocaust jokes? Well, I'm sorry, Anne Frank-ly I don't care. You're mad because I told you that your ass does, in fact, look ginormous in those pants? Well honey, better I say it to your face then everyone at the party saying it behind your back(side).
