Wednesday, May 30, 2012

College: Why Bother?

Here's the deal guys. FUCKING GO TO COLLEGE! I have gone (minus two semesters) for 6 years and in my ramblings from major to major (and party to party) I have come across some fairly profound truths.

You meet some of the most amazing people you will ever meet.
You have a chance to broaden your social horizons.
You learn about what you are passionate.
You learn who you are.
 -story illustrating these points below-
   I started college as a fat, socially awkward guy from a VERY small town who had just lost his mother. I followed some friends into the Greek Life office, signed up for rush and just started meeting people. I did not join a fraternity (remember: fat, awkward, extremely gay and going to Arkansas State University); however, I did meet a girl named Ashton who paved the way to 6 years of involvement with Chi Omega (*cough* Man of the Year 2008 *cough*) and through that I have met a succession of beautiful, talented, and amazing women who have become life long friends.
    I also eventually joined the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) where I eventually became an officer and was able to be a guiding hand in positive change for the LGBT community and an older person who had already come out that could help ease the way for young, newly out LGBT men and women.
   I was a senator for the SGA (Student Government Association) and learned more about parliamentary procedure and the how legislation worked than I did in most of my etiquette and PoliSci classes.
    Through friends and acquaintances I've met through college, I have been hired to work for 2 political campaigns and have met 4 governors, 3 Senators, and a Congressman.
   I also learned through all of this that while I do care about LGBT issues, I am passionate about children's issues and have made it my goal to aid CASA and UNICEF.
So go to college for these reasons.


Go to college because you want to party, because you want to get a great job, or because your daddy won't pay your car insurance if you don't.

Just freaking go! I have seen what no college education does. You (as in 94% of the non-college educated) become townies whose most interesting though is maybe changing up the beer they use for beer pong....and they are 30.

Go for a year, and if it's not right for you, drop out and try something different. I have no judgement for those who take a different road, I just think everyone should experience a mile on THIS road.


1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Please, by all means use my dessert table as inspiration for your own! I would love to see photos of what you come up with!

    I tried to follow your blog but I think with google changing everything it wont let me - I will have to see if I can add you to my google reader!
