Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wine Time is a Fine Time

As anyone who knows me or has gotten a fermented grape juice induced text message from me (which is everyone in my phone including the guy who delivered my Chinese food once my sophomore year in college) knows, I love wine. Don't get me wrong, I like a nasty, salty margarita when I feel the need to let my proverbial hair down or I want to get extra loose on the dance floor and who doesn't like an ice cold beer (preferably something from the Bud Light family or Rolling Rock) on a hot day. But what really butters my crumpet is a chilled bottle...er I mean glass of red wine. When I say I like wine, your average snotty and snooty wine drinkers says, "Hmm, really? do you prefer a Cabernet or Pinot? Maybe a nice Chablis?" No, you pretentious douchecock, I prefer really cold, really fruity red wine. My favorite? Mogen David Blackberry or Pomegranate. Yes, it does come in a giant bottle for $14 and yes, I do occasionally drink the whole bottle and then wear a toga made out of a bed sheet and a pea coat while chain smoking on my front porch and singing 90s songs and feeling feelings that I generally keep suppressed under layers of fried food and judgmental comments. Judge me, please. Your ankles look fat in those last season heels anyway.

I really get sidetracked blogging don't I? Before I went off on my spiel about how wine drinkers can be assholes, I meant to say that I have recently branched into wines that come with, wait for it, a cork! Yes, ladies and gentleman, I have advanced from box wine (Franzia was my downfall many a collegiate night), to gallon jugs, to actual corked bottles of wine. Here in Arkansas, there is a tiny town called Altus. -Yes, where The Simple Life starring Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton was filmed- On a less vomit inducing (unless you drink too much of the wine I am about to mention) note, Altus is also where the Poste Family of wines produces their AMAZING Elderberry and Muscadine wines. I bought a bottle of the Elderberry a couple of weeks ago and actually saved a glass for the next evening because IT WAS THAT GOOD! In case you were unaware, I took another hiatus from school and currently live with my 79 year old grandparents and work at a McAlister's in Searcy, AR. I am not exactly leading the most fabulous life possible guys, so I need my wine and plenty of it and physically stopping myself from guzzling the rest of that bottle so I could have some delicious Elderberry amazingness the next day is truly a testament to how tasty it was and how sad I have become.

Moral of the story: Go to Walmart and buy a cork screw and then head to the liquor store (or Heaven as I call it) and buy a bottle of Poste Family Elderberry wine and then tell me what you think.


I also give high reviews to the Blueberry

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