Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman, or Why I am in Love with Andrew Garfield

This Tuesday I went with some friends to the midnight premiere of The Amazing Spiderman. Now, y'all, geeky things aren't usually my purview besides an appreciation of My Little Pony and the Avatar franchise (Benders not blue people.) but this movie was, in fact, AMAZING! First point for amazingness?

Andrew Garfield's acting and umm ASSets. I mean, this guy really fills out this damn spandex body suit!

Second case in point?

Emma Fricking Stone. I may be a homo but I can appreciate brilliant acting and a quirky personality rolled up in one hot as hell leading lady! I have had a lesbian crush on Emma Stone ever since Easy A. And in this movie she moves away from raw comedy into a fairly serious role while allowing that spark of Emma Stone-ness to shimmer on through like the perfect ballet flat for summer on a rack of ugly shoes. She really made the movie for me.
I am not generally a fan of Spiderman (movie, comic, TV show) because the 90s are over and there is only so much angst I can handle and I fill that quota with Boy Meets World reruns.
I won't go into the plot because of the super geeks out there that would hunt me down and wear my pelt for leaking *SPOILERS* but guys, just go see it!

Side note: I def saw 2, yes 2, Spidermen peeing side by side at the theater. It was glorious, especially because one was stripped to the waist and he was looking grood!

Here are three of the SPidermen that made their appearance. God bless their little hearts!


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